Mary Low Carver,Alpha, Colby College, writes to Lorah S. Monroe, Eta, Illinois Wesleyan University, that she and her daughter are planning to attend the 1924 national convention.
This issue of the Sigma Kappa Bulletin includes a list of sorority leaders, information on the National Panhellenic Congress, an outline of the sorority's extension plans, and updates regarding the Sigma Kappa Triangle.
Frances Mann Hall,Alpha, Colby College, writes to Lorah S. Monroe,Eta, Illinois Wesleyan University, thanking her for flowers and saying that she hopes to meet with Monroe and other Sigma Kappas soon, likely for a national convention.
Louise H. Coburn,Alpha, Colby College, writes to Lorah S. Monroe,Eta, Illinois Wesleyan University, that she will be unable to attend the 1942 national convention, but extends her love and best wishes to all in attendance.
Four grand and national officers pose together at the 1918 national convention in Castle Park, Michigan. They are (left to right): Grand Treasurer Mary Gay Blunt, Alpha Eta, University of Minnesota; Grand President Eula Grove Linger, Eps...
This presentation, made at the 1964 national convention, consists of three different speeches focused on the past (from National Historian Lillian M. Perkins, Omicron, Tufts University), the present (from past National President Lorah S....